Friday, May 3, 2013


Now, I'm show you some videos about types of network that will help you to understand all this topic a little bit better.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Topology III - Ring Networks

In a ring network, a common cable passes through each machine. The data passes round in one direction.


  • Few collisions so it runs fast.


  • If the cable is disrupted, the whole network goes down.

Topology II - Star networks.

 In a star network, the client machines are connected to a central switch that attaches them to whichever servers are required.


  • Easy to add extra clients.
  • Fewer data collisions.
  • No disruption to the rest of the network if one connectios fails.


  • Can be expensive to set up ( building work may be required.)

More information here:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Topology is the way that a LAN is laid out. A LAN may be laid out as a bus, star or ring network. Most LANs in large organisations are now set out as star networks.

  • It's slow when busy because of data collisions.

  • Terminators are needed to prevent signals from being reflected.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Peer-to-peer ( P2P)

In a peer-to-peer system, all computers are equal. It's only suitable for very small networks, although the idea is used on the Internet to allow file sharing without the need to go through a server.

More information, click here ;

Friday, April 12, 2013


A client-server is where one or more computers act as a service provider to others. The services often include security, printing and file storage. The providers is a powerful computer called a server.
The other computers are called clients. Some client-server networks have hundred of servers.


A LAN (Local Area Network) is a network on one site.The connecting hardware is owned by the same organisation that owns the network. LANs allow an organisation to have complete control over its data.